Today we are on a journey to the Cornhusker Poultry Club Spring Show and 4-H Poultry Showmanship Clinic. The weather is cloudy, windy and chilly. Hopefully the birds will enjoy the trip. It feels good to be inside the barn when we get to the fairgrounds. We start by cleaning our birds so they look good and can be shown at their best. We enter our well cared for birds in the show where the judges look carefully for positive traits and also “defects” and “disqualifiers.” Time passes quickly and we have a poultry showmanship clinic where the judge listens and watches carefully as each “show person” demonstrates great skill in showing the bird for its best characteristics along with lots of information from the Poultry “Book of Perfection.” what is that all about? Well, the “Book of Perfection” demonstrates to the reader just what the American Poultry Association APA knows is the perfect bird qualities and traits for each breed. This is the standard that each of our birds is judged against. It is a good idea to mind what our group leaders instruct us to say and do. We do well at the poultry show and the clinic. It is time to eat lunch, visit with the judges, say goodby to our friends and head home.


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